Sunday, May 18, 2014

Woman Reclaims Her Life After Years of Joint Pain

What she hoped would be her golden years instead became an endless cycle of pain medication and doctors, all in the hopes of finding some relief. When the pain medication worked, she was too drowsy to enjoy the world around her. When she didn’t take it, she was in too much pain to do anything but sit around watching TV. She watched her grandchildren running around her backyard through a window in her living room, rather than being out there laughing and playing with them.When Rhonda Jenkins pictured retiring from her job as an accountant, she imagined spending time with her 3 grandchildren, working in her garden, playing tennis, and travelling with her husband. But by the time she reached retirement age, Rhonda spent most of her days suffering from horrible joint pain, and barely being able to get off the couch. Rhonda confesses: “There were days that the pain was so awful I didn’t want to get out of bed. Here I was - finally free to do whatever I pleased, and yet I couldn’t do much of anything at all.”
“The worst part was having to explain to Josiah - my youngest grandson - why grandma couldn’t come out and play with him. He’s only three years old, and he couldn’t really grasp what was going on. All he knew was that his Nana couldn’t come out and play.” Says Rhonda, while trying not to get choked up.
One day, while on the couch as usual, Rhonda happened upon an episode of “The Doctors”. Their guest that day was Dr. David Katz, who was discussing the results of a clinical study for a supplement called Instaflex. According the Dr. Katz, this supplement was supposed to significantly reduce joint pain.
Rhonda was skeptical, but desperate. She went online immediately and ordered a bottle of Instaflex, hoping against hope that it would give her some relief without any side effects. Within only two weeks, she felt significantly better. “It was as if a huge weight was lifted off of my shoulders,” she says. “I could enjoy my grandchildren properly. I got back in the kitchen and taught myself how to bake. And after a couple of months, my husband and I finally took the trip to South America that we had been wanting to take for years.”
Now Rhonda takes Instaflex regularly, and is far less reliant on pain medication and other drugs. She feels better than she has in years. Instaflex is a compound of natural ingredients, proven to significantly reduce joint pain, increase mobility, and ease joint discomfort.
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