Showing posts with label jobtips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jobtips. Show all posts

Saturday, March 10, 2012

10 mistakes you must AVOID in a job interview..

The best way to avoid the most common and dangerous interview mistakes is to think ahead and decide not to make them.Read on for a whistle-stop tour of the top ten interview clingers!

1. Lying

It is tempting to lie but strangely it doesn't work.By all means gloss over the unflattering things, however refrain from out-right fibbing.

2. Slating your current company or boss

Fed up with your current job and would give anything to leave because they've treated you badly?Your job interview is NOT the time to seek revenge.Bear in mind that the interviewer will be listening to your answers and thinking about what it would be like to work with you.Hence any negative or casual remark about previous boss or employer may be interpreted as your "standard" way of thinking and will give a wrong impression.

3. Being rude, overtly friendly

As a thumb rule, always avoid cracking jokes about sensitive topics and or being too "pally" with the interviewer: polite and friendly is enough.If you find you were accidentally rude, then apologize calmly and genuinely and move on with the interview.At all times, stay professional.

4. Appearing too nervous, or too confident

Hiring decisions are often made within the first few minutes of the interview basis the first impressions.Hence, if you appear too nervous they'll think you're not confident enough to do the job.However, appearing too confident will make them think you won't fit into the team.If interview nerves are an issue for you, it's worth getting practical help from a professional coach.

5. Not being prepared

Re-read the relevant version of your CV and what strengths you bring to the job.Job seekers often can't remember what they wrote on their CV or have not done enough homework about the company, job description and interviewer.Always carry relevant documents to aid the job interview.

6. Complaining

The journey to the interview location may have been a nightmare -- maybe you thought the metro/subway would never arrive, or the road traffic seemed endless.However, the interviewer doesn't want to know that!Complaining, even in jest, is not a recommended icebreaker.It may be completely harmless, or it might simply make the interviewer switch off.Don't let complaining set the tone for the interview!

7. Talking about people you don't get on with at work

These days, it's common to be asked how you deal with conflict.Companies realise the importance of interpersonal relationships in the working environment.So if they ask you about difficult people or situations make sure you hold back from character assassination and blaming others for problems because it won't do you any favours!If you accidentally do "break" this rule, apologise and explain what you "really" mean.

8. Making a weak first impression

No matter how hard the interviewer tries, a lot of "don't want to hire them" decisions are made in the first few minutes of contact.If you make a strong first impression, the interviewer will be more inclined to overlook "imperfections" in your answers

9. Not having researched the company

As a general rule, the more famous the brand, the more they will expect you to have done your homework.Researching the company, its business and its key competitors shows you're serious about the job.

10. Putting your foot in it and not noticing

We often tend to say what is often misconstrued.It doesn't really matter what you intended. What counts is how the other person reactsSo what can you do?Be prepared to simply say "sorry, that's not what I meant!"This requires you to actually be paying attention to the interviewer, rather than your own thoughts and feelings.Once you've apologised, leave it there, take a deep breath to help you relax and move on with the job interview.

10 Tips to Handle Rejection at Interviews...

One must use the time to build their skills and perform better in the next

Most of us have been rejected at one interview or the other.This scenario is quite common among freshers as stepping into an environment of cut throat competition from the sheltered college life is not easy!However getting rejected in a job interview is something which should be handled normally without exaggerating.Here are a few tips on how you should deal with the rejection.

1. Never take it personally

A job interview is never a parameter of your value as a professional.You were dropped only because your job application didn't match the specific job criteria. It may or may be related to how you performed during the job interview.Remember even the best and the experienced candidates have faced rejection at some point of their livesIt's important to stay calm, positive and motivated to become successful

2. Search the job perfectly

It's no use hiding in your bed or to stop searching for jobs after being dropped in the first interview.The better way to ward off the effects is to search smartly this time.Not researching about the company, the required profile and skills are some of the common mistakes made by job seekers.Further, researching about the company, its work culture and values can also be highly helpful in your job search.

3. Avoid needless anguish

Some jobs are worth fighting for, but dwelling on them needlessly is not!Cutting contact with your friends or avoiding socialising with people will lead you nowhere.So, get up and focus on your goal of finding the right job as opposed to the wrong one.

4. Don't beat a dead horse

Never seek explanation for the rejection directly.It gives a negative feedback of you as a person.Instead of asking directly why you were rejected, the better strategy is to seek guidance regarding the areas you should improve.Also, it's a good idea to stay in touch with the interviewer for another job interview for a suitable position.

5. Look to the positive side

If you are a true optimist, you must believe in the adage that "everything happens for a reason" and this rejection is telling you to keep looking and moving forward.Also analyse what went wrong and work on it so you can overcome these challenges in your next interview.

6. Focus on your strengths

It's easy to blame yourself and focus on your imperfections when faced with a job rejection.Focus on what you're really good at, and what you're passionate about.Don't beat yourself up for not being perfect.

7. Accept reality

Accept that rejections are a part of the job search.Buttress yourself emotionally to handle the sadness that comes with rejection.Know that rejection is going to happen repeatedly throughout our lifetime; accept rejection as a part of life.

8. Stretch yourself

Stretch beyond what you think your limits are.Find a place in your life that you can "go to the edge" and be extreme.Don't take life so seriously.Do an activity you've never done before and you'll rejuvenate yourself.This is where inspiration emerges from ­ the creative places we go to when we get outside of ourselves and outside of our ruts.

9. Don't bring up the past

It's funny how failures have a way of drudging up all our past failures, as well as all the negative feelings associated with the failures.It's as if our minds go into over-drive ­ then our collective unconscious kicks in and we're on autopilot into the failures of our past.Stay present; don't let the past take over.

10. You're not alone

Know that every day, countless others are sharing your experience.Seek out others -- the mutual support and shared knowledge will be enormously helpful.Contacts and job leads, as well as friendships and offers to share technical expertise with each other, result when connecting with others who are on a similar job search journey.

7 Tips to get a Fresher 's dream job...

Being out of college feels like a permanent holiday, but this holiday cannot last! Soon, you will be competing for jobs, promotions, name, fame and wealth.When applying for jobs, you will realise that college style of life is over!At work, no one dresses, acts, or talks like a teenager. Suddenly you are in the professional world of business but yet feel like a college kid.

So, what skills do you need to attract people to like you, hire you, retain you and promote you?Sure, you go for a job with your academic knowledge and technical 'hard skills', as proven on your CV. But at interviews, at work and in real life, you need something else.Nervousness sets in, and there are issues of introductions, dress codes, make up, handshaking, exchanging business cards, attending dining meetings and more.Suddenly only your personality and communications skills are on display! This has not been taught in college.Now, you feel a need for 'soft skills'. Self confidence, telephone skills, impressive body language, communication and interpersonal skills all come into play.People are judging you by the cover, just like you judge them!Here are some valuable tips to be confident and attract attention for easier and quicker success.

Tip 1)

Invest in a full length mirror and privately scrutinise yourself.Are you standing on your own two feet, straight and tall, without bending a knee?Practice your best sizes of smiles. Avoid plastic smiles. Only confident people can hold a true smile naturally.Talk to your mirror. Introduce yourself, what you do, and introduce others without 'eh' or 'er's to think.Use your right hand to gesture more and don't point with fingers. Look around the room, without moving your feet.Speak clearly, confidently, stress important words, and use a smile. Is your voice clear and gentle?Practice listening skills by nodding and small remarks. Allow others to speak. Never interrupt in the middle of a sentence and start with 'excuse me for interrupting, I'm...' Always end with graceful goodbyes for a good day.At the end of the day, do you look and speak as energetically. Acting and practicing, will lead to a confident and impressive YOU.

Tip 2)

Dress fashionably smart but don't bring attention to your body, only to your work.The higher your rank or occasion, the higher your dressing style should be.Favourable professional colours are white and all the pastel to medium tones.Dark tops are suitable only in the evenings.Most businessjackets are in dark colours teamed with light coloured shirts.Summer and outdoor events are times for light coloured jackets.

Tip 3)

Dress fashionably smart but don't bring attention to your body, only to your work.The higher your rank or occasion, the higher your dressing style should be.Favourable professional colours are white and all the pastel to medium tones.Dark tops are suitable only in the evenings.Most businessjackets are in dark colours teamed with light coloured shirts.Summer and outdoor events are times for light coloured jackets.

Tip 4)

A fashionable hair style to frame your face is recommended and no fly away hair with the help of hair spray!For ladies, a hint of make up, clean lightly polished nails, comfortable heels should do the trick.Never choose plastic bags or bulging bags while going for an interview. Do not use a plastic pen too.

Tip 5)

Introduce yourself with all that confidence!Give your full name C-L-E-A-R-L-Y.And no more college responses of Yah! Nah!Professionally, it's a proper Yes, and Thanks or a smiling No, thank you.

Tip 6)

Respect others and gain respect too.Always, knock before entering, even if the door is open.Sit upright with your chest slightly forward to show attention.Avoid crossing your legs and showing the back soles of your shoes.

Tip 7)

All smart people shower sincere complimentsand thank people for their ideas or help, loudly and in public.Only criticise in private, explain gently and have constructive solutions handy. Apologising for errors makes you more respectable, not weaker.Continue practicing and indulge in self development articles and books.Like kids, the best way to learn is by copying. Observe successful people and imitate their best points.By now you've gained insight into professional stature, confidence, image and style.Surely you'll be climbing the ladders to success soon, both in your personal and professional life. Good luck!

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