Thursday, May 22, 2014

4 Best Foods to Eat to Fight Stress

There are many ways to combat stress, but one of the best ways is to consume stress-fighting foods. Most of us live in a hectic, crazy, busy world where stress is almost inevitable. While a little stress can be good for you, when you are constantly feeling stressed out, overwhelmed and anxious, it can cause huge damage to your health, your productivity, your mood, and even your relationships. Too much or prolonged stress can even lead to short-term and long-term physical problems, such as high blood pressure, impaired memory, osteoporosis, coronary heart disease and a weak immune system. Eating stress-fighting foods, exercising on a regular basis and practicing yoga can help you reduce your stress levels and improve your moodwithout any medications. Today we’re on a journey to discovering the best foods that can help us fight stress and live a more peaceful life. Read on…
Best Foods to Eat to Fight Stress

1. Brown rice

Brown rice
Brown rice is an excellent source of B-vitamins, which are essential for the proper function of all tissues, cells, and organs. B-vitamins promote heart, immune, brain health as well as healthy mood. Eating brown rice can help you combat stress and prevent different types of mood disorders. If you often experience moodiness, try including brown rice into your healthy diet and enjoy a stress-free life.

2. Spinach

Spinach is packed with Vitamins A, C and B-vitamins and is rich in potassium, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium, which help decrease stress hormones in your body, stabilize your mood and make you feel better. One cup of spinach will be enough to help your body combat stress. You can use spinach in your salad, smoothie, omelet, and sandwiches.

3. Salmon

Salmon is a super-nutritious food that can work miracles on your body. It’s high in omega-3 fatty acids that increase happy brain chemicals such as serotonin and help regulate stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol. Moreover, omega-3 fatty acids help improve your brain function. Try eating 2 to 3 servings of salmon per week to reduce your stress levels. If you don’t like salmon, opt for another oily fish like sardines, tuna and mackerel.

7 Efficient Ways to Reduce Back Pain and Improve Your Posture

From birth our body is constructed almost perfectly. Its main function is movement. When you are healthy there are no restrictions for your body and you can walk, run, jump, climb, bend and do all physical exercises easily. But when you feel pain and discomfort in certain parts of your body, it becomes practically impossible. Nowadays a lot of people suffer from back pain and due to that fact they can’t enjoy all the benefits of modern life. The reasons of your back pain may be absolutely different. Our lifestyle is one of the crucial things that influences our overall health and our back in particular. Today most of us spend hours sitting in front of computers, TV sets and in public transport. As a result, our spine is compressed and we have bad posture and this can cause pain in your back and neck. To avoid this you should move regularly and pay much attention to your posture. If you want to relieve back pain and have good posture, consider the following tips.
Efficient Ways to Reduce Back Pain and Improve Your Posture

1. Try to Control Your Posture

It is important to hold your body properly throughout the day since every movement and position has a great impact on your posture. We should constantly think about how to align our body while standing, sitting, walking and even sleeping. Posture plays a significant role in our health and it can change the way we look. That’s why you need to control it by all means. If you have good posture, you’ll be able to improve your respiratory capacity and stimulate the work of your circulatory and digestive systems.

2. Develop Your Sense of Balance

I should say that sense of balance is not so easy to develop as it takes much time and requires your persistence. You have to do certain exercises that involve your core muscles, making them strong and toned. This way, you will provide enduring connection between your brain and body. Every time when your body needs to use particular muscles for core stabilization, the brain will send the signal to that group of muscles immediately. I recommend you to practice various activities that can be helpful in developing your balance. For example, yoga and pilates will be the right choice for this goal.

3. Maintain Your Posture When You Sit

Sitting is the most frequent posture for all people. In this position we usually do numerous things without realizing that it can lead to different health problems. When you sit for a long time, your core (the muscles that embrace the front of your stomach area and the low back) performs protective function stabilizing the vertebra. If these muscles are used very often, they will finally become exhausted and you’ll find yourself slumping that may have a ruinous effect on other parts of your body. No matter what you do, it will be nice if you take a comfortable position. Make sure you place your feet and knees at 90 degree angles and your chair props up your low back. It is also necessary to control the distance between your body and your workplace so that it shouldn’t bring tension.

4. Do Regular Exercises

People who train regularly and keep their muscles toned do not often deal with issues like back and neck pain. The more you move, the healthier and happier you are – that is one of the most fundamental rules you must stick to in your life. You can choose from a great variety of sports and activities that will be pleasurable and useful for you. For instance, hiking, jogging, yoga, walking, volleyball and others are the best things to do for developing your muscles. Make it a rule to exercise daily and that will become a part of your routine. The benefits of physical exercises are incredible. By doing sports, you’ll be able to breathe evenly and stimulate your cardiovascular system. If you are a beginner, I would suggest you to consult a personal trainer who will create a special program for you.

5. Pay Attention to Your Clothes and Accessories

It’s not a secret that every woman spares no efforts to look beautiful and stylish. When you are satisfied with your appearance and style, you feel more confident. Unfortunately, there are some clothes and accessories that are hurtful to the body. We can hardly find a woman who never wears high heels, even though they load our spine with extra work causing its curvature. Handbag is also an indispensable part of our style and we can’t leave our home without it. Nevertheless, we rarely think that a heavy handbag or a rucksack, which we wear on our shoulders may be a reason for our back pain. Ultimately, you will have difficulties with your tendons, ligaments and joints. If you’ve decided to buy a new hand bag, try to choose the one of a medium size. While wearing this accessory don’t forget to change its placement from one arm to another.

6. Stretch Every Day

Switch to some exercises that develop your flexibility. This way, you will manage to keep fit and strengthen your muscles as well. Those who are acquainted with back and neck pain will find stretching an effective way to get rid of this problem. A few minutes every day will be enough for you to stretch your body and relax muscles. Stand or sit on a plane surface and stretch one group of muscles at a time. Be careful while doing these exercises and don’t be quick.

7. Avoid Stressful Situations

Without a doubt, our physical health is highly dependent on our emotional state. We face plenty of stressful situations every time and everywhere. It’s rather difficult to keep our feelings and emotions under control, so we often get upset, angry and nervous. Whenever you are under stress, your brain and body respond quickly preparing to fight. Eventually, your muscles become strained and your blood pressure goes up. Such reaction is detrimental to your muscular skeletal system. To overcome stress and its negative consequences you should move a bit and take a deep breath. It will be an excellent way to relax your body and boost your brain’s activity.
If you tend to lead a sedentary life, you should be ready for annoying back and neck pain. I hope that these tips will help you to cope with discomfort caused by pain in your back. Just make it a habit to move regularly and always monitor your posture. Do you use any other ways to decrease back pain?

Sunday, May 18, 2014

10 Most Haunted Places in the World!

The Whaley House, California
According to the Travel Channel’s America’s Most Haunted, the Whaley House is the number one most haunted house in the United States. Built by Thomas Whaley in 1857, this house is crowded with ghosts. The house has a spot where Yankee Jim Robinson was publicly hanged in 1852 for attempted grand larceny. The suicide of Violet Whaley in 1885 and other Whaley family deaths over the last century adds up to the list. Many visitors to the house have reported encountering spirits of Jim and members of Whaley family. (Link)

The Schooner Hotel, UK
Receiver of “The Most Haunted Hotel in Great Britain” Schooner Hotel is believed to be haunted by many ghosts. There have been over 3,000 sightings in the past few years and visitors often hear loud screams, faint whispers, unexplained sounds and knocks. Many individuals have even experienced physical complications. The hotel is still open for overnight guests today but if you do decide to stay there, you might want to avoid rooms 17 and 28. They are known for more prominent spirit presence. (Link)

The Tower of London
During the 900 years of her existence, the Tower of London has developed a reputation as being one of the most haunted places in Britain. This former prison of some of England’s most notorious figures has seen many executions and deaths. One of the most notable deaths in this Bloody Tower is of Anne Boleyn, wife of King Henry VIII, who was beheaded as she was unable to produce a male heir. Her headless apparition has been seen by many visitors. One area, known as the Salt Tower, is so scary that dogs refuse to enter its premises. In 1864, a soldier passed out from fear after trying to fight with a ghostly apparition. There are more spirits of different people that have been seen in the tower. (Link)

Diplomat Hotel, Baguio City, Philippines
The Diplomat Hotel sits on a hill overlooking Baguio City in the Philippines. Originally a monastery, the clergy there were executed by the Japanese during WWII and the building was used as a Sanatorium. After the war, it was converted into a hotel. People who live nearby claim that at times they hear the banging of doors, windows, clattering of dishes, voices of people screaming in the middle of the night and many have seen ‘black figures’ or a ‘white lady’. The hotel is quite overgrown and apparently not in current use by anyone. (Link)

The White House
This world’s most famous residence is also one of the most haunted places. The spirits of the first president John Adams and his wife Abagail continue to make stay (or visit) in the White House. Andrew Jackson, Dolly Madison, and, of course, the Lincolns, have made their presence known; numerous sightings of Old Abe have been noted over the years, and Winston Churchill refused to spend the night after one ghostly encounter. First Lady Michelle Obama has confirmed the haunting mystery and Sasha Obama also has reported seeing the ‘Bush Twins’. (Link1)(Link2)

Waverly Hills Sanatorium, Kentucky
With a total of “63000 deaths” in the Sanatorium, as claimed by some urban legends, it becomes a little convincing that the place is haunted. The tunnel at Waverly Hills was constructed to bring supplies to and from the building but was also used to transport the dead patients. With the ghost stories getting popular, this tunnel got the name of ‘the death tunnel’. It is also believed that satanic rituals have taken place in the sanatorium. People have reported seeing spirit of a little girl playing hide and seek with trespassers on the third floor, of a little boy named Bobby playing with his leather ball, of rooms lighting up though there was no power in the building, of doors slamming, disembodied voices, a hearse driving up and dropping off coffins, and an old woman running from the front door with her wrists bleeding screaming: “Help me. Somebody save me!” (Link)

112 Ocean Avenue, Amityville USA
Amityville is the house on which the movie ‘The Amityville Horror’ is based. It all started on November 13, 1974 Ronald Defeo Jr. (claiming to have been possessed) is said to have shot and killed his mother, father, two brothers and two sisters. The actual reasons for the massacre are still unknown.
On December 23rd, 1975 George and Kathy Lutz move into 112 Ocean Avenue with their 3 children. Father Ray who came to bless the house told them about the uneasy feeling he got there. The next 28 days were an ordeal for the family. On the last night, they heard loud sounds coming from the basement and main floor, doors would open and slam close all over the house, the kids’ beds were dragged across their rooms, levitated in the air and then dropped and the parents couldn’t move from their beds at all. As soon as they were released, they fled the house never to return. (Link)

LaLaurie House, New Orleans
Madame Lalaurie, a popular figure in town, owned slaves like many of the wealthiest members of society. But behind that fame, she was a cruel woman who tortured her slaves. Out of rage, one of her servants set the house on fire. When people rescued the slaves from the house, they found some severely maltreated and malnourished slaves in horrific state. It was found that some slaves had even died because of the mistreatment. The Lalaurie family fled from Louisiana, but the house became popular for being haunted. Nowadays, it has been converted to high-end apartments. (Link)

Bhangarh Fort, India
Visitors at Bhangarh Fort have reported experiencing a sense of restlessness and unease in the air. This ancient Indian fortress is so haunted even the Government restricts entrance in the fort at night. There are signs put up by the Archaeological Survey of India, strictly forbidding visitors from sunset to sunrise. As the legend goes, it all started when the beautiful princess of the place spurned an evil magician, who in turn cursed the palace with the death of all who dwelt in it. War and famine followed suit, and the fort was abandoned in the 1700s. (Link)

Edinburgh Castle, Scotland
Edinburgh Castle in Scotland is said to be one of the spots most active for paranormal sightings. Visitors have reported shadowy figures, unseen presences, mysterious tugging of clothing, and spirits of headless drummers, pipers and even ghost dogs. There are also reports of French prisoners from the Seven Years War and colonial prisoners from the American Revolutionary War. (Link)

Woman Reclaims Her Life After Years of Joint Pain

What she hoped would be her golden years instead became an endless cycle of pain medication and doctors, all in the hopes of finding some relief. When the pain medication worked, she was too drowsy to enjoy the world around her. When she didn’t take it, she was in too much pain to do anything but sit around watching TV. She watched her grandchildren running around her backyard through a window in her living room, rather than being out there laughing and playing with them.When Rhonda Jenkins pictured retiring from her job as an accountant, she imagined spending time with her 3 grandchildren, working in her garden, playing tennis, and travelling with her husband. But by the time she reached retirement age, Rhonda spent most of her days suffering from horrible joint pain, and barely being able to get off the couch. Rhonda confesses: “There were days that the pain was so awful I didn’t want to get out of bed. Here I was - finally free to do whatever I pleased, and yet I couldn’t do much of anything at all.”
“The worst part was having to explain to Josiah - my youngest grandson - why grandma couldn’t come out and play with him. He’s only three years old, and he couldn’t really grasp what was going on. All he knew was that his Nana couldn’t come out and play.” Says Rhonda, while trying not to get choked up.
One day, while on the couch as usual, Rhonda happened upon an episode of “The Doctors”. Their guest that day was Dr. David Katz, who was discussing the results of a clinical study for a supplement called Instaflex. According the Dr. Katz, this supplement was supposed to significantly reduce joint pain.
Rhonda was skeptical, but desperate. She went online immediately and ordered a bottle of Instaflex, hoping against hope that it would give her some relief without any side effects. Within only two weeks, she felt significantly better. “It was as if a huge weight was lifted off of my shoulders,” she says. “I could enjoy my grandchildren properly. I got back in the kitchen and taught myself how to bake. And after a couple of months, my husband and I finally took the trip to South America that we had been wanting to take for years.”
Now Rhonda takes Instaflex regularly, and is far less reliant on pain medication and other drugs. She feels better than she has in years. Instaflex is a compound of natural ingredients, proven to significantly reduce joint pain, increase mobility, and ease joint discomfort.
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Bringing Social Networking to the Trading Game

Even if you’re not a person that usually follows currency, commodity, or stock trading, you probably know a few basic things about it. If you’ve ever been curious, or considered entering the fray, you may have been turned off by the risk. It’s true - trading on your own is a risky endeavor. Statistically, only about 55% of manual trades are actually profitable. For the careful investor, that number is anything but ideal.
Of course, investing on your own is not only risky, but time consuming. Commodities, currencies, stocks… Who has the time to read up on all of these things and make intelligent choices?
A careful investor may be just put his or her money into a brokerage firm and sit back and let “the pros” handle things. But we all know that these days, “the pros” won’t necessarily work in your best interest. You end up taking the same exact risk as if you were doing it on your own, all while paying huge fees for the privilege.
One groundbreaking company has decided to stop this cycle and empower you take control of your investments, while minimizing your risk and having fun in the process. That company is called eToro, and they have created the world’s first social trading platform.
So what is social trading and how does it work? Well - imagine facebook, only instead of seeing updates about what your friends are doing - you can see updates about what they’re trading. You can use your social network as a resource for smart investing. But it doesn’t end there. With eToro - you can keep track of successful investors, and choose to COPY what they are doing.
Think about it - no more “secrets”. If you like what somebody does, you can choose to do the exact same thing. It’s been proven that this kind of trading actually can get profitability up to 85%, that's 30% more than with manual trading.  And with over 2.57 million users in more than 140 countries, you’re bound to find someone successful to copy in a way that’s right for you. You can choose to follow high risk or low risk traders, traders who deal exclusively with currencies, or stocks, or commodities, or any combination of these things.
Whether you’re a novice or an old pro, you are bound to find like-minded people who will openly share their knowledge and success with you. That’s the beauty of eToro’s social trading system. Success is shared, not shrouded in mystery. So when you see something others are doing right, you can copy them and try it yourself.
Oh - and the best part? It’s completely free to join.
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How to Write a Great Resume

A resume  is the first thing that your prospective employer sees. It is very important for a candidate to have a good resume in order to attract the best prospects. In these tough economic times, competition over a particular job may be fierce, and any mistake in your resume can prove to be very costly. 
Here are some tips to make your resume stand out:
Many of us make this mistake of thinking that having a long resume is the best way of attracting an employer. The truth is that you only have to put in the essential information that the employer may find useful. The number of pages doesn't make any impact whatsoever. In fact, in a lot of cases, it's better to limit the length to no more than a single page.
Keep Modifying
Each employer has his/her own needs and requirements and you must ensure that the resume you send to them is relevant to what the employer is looking for. Otherwise you won't be even called in for an interview. Make sure you make your resume as relevant to the job as possible. 
Things You Have to Include
There are certain things that are essential: Your contact details (an email address won't do here, so make sure to add your permanent address and phone number as well) and your education details starting from your high school education and ending with your latest degree are both essential. Of course, prior work experience is always a must.
Things You Shouldn't Include
There is no need for you to put in personal details like marital status, gender, and family details. This information adds nothing of any value to the employer and it only makes your resume unnecessarily long. 
Common Mistakes
Be careful with typos as it is one thing that really puts off employers. Stay away from using any fancy fonts. Use just one simple font throughout the resume and if needed underline or use bold letters. Lying of course, is a no-no. Finally, don't include your picture in the resume unless you are going for a modeling job. Most places don't really care about your selfie-taking skills! 
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These days you see a lot of people trying their luck in setting up an online business, but there are only a few who are able to keep it going for a long time and make it a successful venture. If you're tempted to do the same, there are certain things you should take into consideration before jumping in. Here are some tips for starting up your own online business:
  • Having the right mindset: No matter what we do, having the right mindset is very important. You have to be thorough about each and every aspect of online business and must gather all the relevant facts and figures. If you are having any doubts about what you are doing you should probably reconsider your decision.
  • Zero-in on a niche: If you are serious about your online business, you must find a niche, at least in the beginning, as you need to focus and channel your energy into one specific field before thinking of expanding it.
  • Audience and competition: Without having the right knowledge about your prospective audience and competition you cannot move forward. You can easily find out the potential of your customer base and the competition that you might face by doing a few simple Google searches. If the parameters seem to be bright, you can go ahead to the next step.
  • Domain name and hosting: Once you've decided your niche, the next step is to find a domain name and hosting account. After ensuring that the domain is available you need to register it. Make sure to register it for a long time, or even with automatic renewal, so you don't lose the domain by accident.
  • Setting-up a website:Of course now you need to build your site. You can use ready made templates and platforms like WordPress, Squarespace, or Wx.
  • Set-up an e-mail delivery service: Newsletters are a very effective way of promoting your business and keeping in touch with your customers.
  • Generate traffic: This may seem very straightforward but in reality, you have to be careful about how you go about generating traffic and promoting your site. Online ads are only partially effective. Make sure that you target your niche as carefully as possible, and be careful about the mode of advertising you choose.

If you stick to these simple steps, they can really help you go a long way in making your online business a success.  
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4 things Modi Can Do for Start-ups in India................

Young entrepreneurs from India are looking up to Narendra Modi with great hope. Read on to learn why...
Narendra Modi or NaMo is perceived to head the new government in India. But is he ready to meet the expectations of the masses, particularly those of entrepreneurs?
Given the thumping majority he's received from the recently concluded polls, he may soon get an opportunity to change the course of this country.
Young entrepreneurs from India, both existing and aspiring are looking up to him with great hope given that in the last decade no concrete measures have been taken to eliminate unwarranted delays in starting a business or for reducing hassles of reporting with various authorities.
According to the Ease of Doing Business index, India ranked 134th in 2014.
Why is India not able to climb up the ladder? Why is it lagging behind?
Why is it so hard to start a business in India as compared to other emerging economies of the world?
The new government needs to take actionable steps to encourage entrepreneurship and investment in India.
It has to pay high and right attention to improve India's business rankings.
In this article, we will discuss what changes the new government which is perceived to be headed by Narendra Modi can do to help the overall business eco-system of India.
1. Reduce time taken to start a business by automatic approval and single window system
The current structure has very difficult compliance requirement for businesses.
The new government needs to plan for minimal regulation, compliance and reduce paperwork hurdles for starting a business.
Measures should be taken to reduce time taken to start a business in India -- currently, it takes more than 35 days.
We as consultants have to both convince and explain our clientele especially international clints, who continue to question as to why the registration process takes 35 days in India while in other countries the process is completed in anything between 24 hours and two days.
In addressing some of these challenges, the government should start an auto approval system or  a straight cut process by casting more responsibility on qualified professionals.
An entrepreneur in addition to registration of his business entity also has to go through the rigour of getting state- and centre-specific registrations, approvals like trade license, environment approval, Service Tax registration, Excise, VAT and a few more, which naturally delay the time taken to start-up.
Since most of these registrations are obtained from different departments of the State or Central government, the process gets delayed further.
Why can't there be a single window -- like an online or offline platform where the aspiring entrepreneur gets end-to-end information about the registration, compliances, taxes, etc.
The platform should provide a common place to get clearances for central as well as state level formalities.
The author is a qualified Chartered Accountant and a commerce bachelor from St Xavier’s College. He is also the founder of, a start-up that addresses pain points of individuals, businesses and start-ups.

In terms of taxation, the time consuming and complex nature of the system results in the slow rise of new ventures.
The new government should simplify the tax rules; improve tax compliance and lower tax litigations.
In the past, IT services giants like Infosys and Wipro benefited immensely with tax holidays on IT exports.
Similar tax incentives are much needed for current IT start-ups as well and for start-ups in industries like healthcare and manufacturing.
Start-ups in India can be given tax exemptions on the line of Singapore tax exemption scheme according to which a newly incorporated company that meets certain qualifying conditions can claim for full tax exemption on the first $100,000 of the normal chargeable income for each of its first three consecutive assessment years.
A further 50 per cent exemption is given on the next $200,000 of the normal chargeable income for each of the first three consecutive assessment years.
Schemes like these will give great boost to our start-ups that are currently paying taxes right from the first year onwards and on every single penny of profit it makes. 

As per a research, India has a youth population of 300 million. Correspondingly, it has just 100 million jobs available.
Another research shows that only three out of 10 are actually employable based on their skill sets.
The new government should focus on improving skill sets by introducing special training courses, development and skills programmes to develop skilled talents thus helping aspiring entrepreneurs who are always hungry to hire skillled candidates.
There are more than 5000 Industrial Training Institutes in India.
However, the quality of training is not up to the mark. They have poor infrastructure, outdated curriculum, less qualified instructors and limited interaction with the industry.
The entrepreneurs who hire them spend considerable amount of time and resources to first train them before they are employable.
It would be immensely helpful if the new government can work alongside the business class. While businesses can train the young force on the job, government can motivate businesses by providing wage subsidy for a defined period. 

Start-ups require a financial system which is both supportive and provides the necessary risk capital to aid innovations and enterprises.
The new government should ensure that funding programmes should focus equally on small early stage start-ups also rather promoting only relatively large and safer investments.
The government should start a dedicated fund, seeded by the government, and targeted at promoting innovative initiatives.
Today our start-ups are primarily dependent on private investments coming from India and abroad.
The main reason for this is that the government designated fund is hard to get due to unnecessary bureaucratic bottle necks and lack of transparency.
The new government should allocate funds sufficiently for entrepreneur-related investment schemes. This way, no start-up with a potentially great and innovative idea will suffer for lack of funding.
It is no secret that start-ups are funded based on future prospects of the business idea and not on the current value of the assets of the company.
The government, sometime back, amended the law to restrict issuance of equity shares at a premium and attached various conditions on it.
The law states that a portion of consideration received for the issue of shares of a public unlisted company or private company that is in excess of the fair market value of those shares, will be subject to tax in the hands of the companies under the head "income from other sources".
With the introduction of this clause the participation of private equity funds or high net worth individuals has been affected and there is a serious impact on genuine start-ups and other Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), as they largely depend upon angel investors or private equity funds for their funding.
Such funding is normally at a substantial premium as the underlying assets of the start-up do not support a higher fair market value.
The new government should try and provide relaxation in this aspect since this provision is creating hindrance in the developing culture of angel investors and private equity funds, funding innovative entrepreneurs, who have the desired skills but have limited resources.
To conclude, the new government should manifest their role as catalysts to stimulate entrepreneurship.
In a developing country like India, downturn of entrepreneurship will be a serious threat to the economy.
Narendra Modi supposedly heading the new government should help, as he would be benefited with his past proven work and with the vision for holistic economic development for India including start-ups. 

One man's trash is another man's treasure

One man’s trash is another man’s mobile treasure island.?Spiral Island may be the most strange and successful hand-made paradise the world has ever seen. For those not familiar: the first iteration of this portable (engine-powered) island was constructed fifteen years ago but was destroyed by a hurricane. The current model also floats atop millions of recycled plastic bottles like its predecessor, created from the ground (or rather: water) up by one man and a rotating crew of die-hard followers, fans and friends. And to this day, the whole island is growing – and the people and structures that dwell upon it are still evolving in eccentric and exciting ways.
Arguably more amazing than the mere fact of a free-floating private luxury island is the fact that it continues to change over time, forever a work in progress. Second stories have been added, remodeled and replaced throughout the years – featuring a lofted bedroom at one time, a two-person swing set under a solar panel at another (supplemented later with a massage table).
Aside from upcycling trashed plastic to form its very foundation (bottle-filled used tires float the whole island like a huge boat – an upgrade from mesh bags full of bottles), other sustainable moves include growing food on the island itself: there is a “protected garden with beach grapes, tulipans, an edible fruit cactus and an elephants foot palm.” Many of the on-island building materials are locally harvested, donated or discarded and reused by its nomadic inhabitants.
The aesthetic hovers somewhere between campsite and beach front resort, with calculated corral-and-concrete edges (to provide a feeling of safety along the borders) and live palm trees, mixed benches and sandy paths winding throughout. Tropical and rustic ‘island-associated’ themes can be found throughout the architecture and interiors as well. The island welcomes visitors, as well as donations to help keep it afloat (literally and otherwise).
That is not to say that living on this virtual paradise comes problem-free.
 For one thing, another natural disaster could still threaten its existence – 
and flexible governments may not remain so forever (though for now the
 island travels with relative freedom from one place to the next).
 Moreover, fresh water, security and other issues are always 
under consideration – after all, there are precedents for 
outsiders (pirates or privateers) ?invading and taking over
 micronations by force. Still, the island grows and shifts 
with the tides, ever more ready for the next source of trouble –
 and usually floating one step 

Recycled Paradise: Amazing Man-Made Floating Island

Yes, it is real – it not only floats but also has beaches and can be moved as well as docked around the world. Almost like a pirate ship story of old, the tale of this remarkable artificial island that floats on 100,000 recycled plastic bottles is long, strange and does involve tales of adventure and danger. The second of its kind, the newest iteration of Spiral Island is an amazing work in progress.
The first Spiral Island sat upon 250,000 plastic bottles, bundled together in bags and used as the floating base for the bamboo and plywood supporting the entire sand-surfaced area above – over fifty feet in diameter. Remarkably, the original island had a multistory home with a solar oven, self-composting toilet, multiple beaches as well as a variety of lush plants and trees.
Not deterred by the destruction of the original island in a terrible hurricane, Sowa built a second one starting just a few years ago – it was completed last year. Nearly the same size it likewise has beaches, a house but also has a solar-powered waterfall and ponds within the island.
Far from an eccentric individual’s attempt to escape from the world, Spiral Island is a remarkably welcoming place – many people came together to help recreate it when the first one was destroyed. Camera and news crews have also been invited onto the island as it is (naturally) something of an international sensation.

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Carry your own power............The Sukam Pico Portable Inverter

Pico Digital Home Ups

Pico - 100 VA / 12 V

Pico is a revolutionary new 100 VA Digital Home UPS from Su-Kam. Its user-friendly interface makes it ideal for small home appliances like Laptops, CFLs, Mobile Chargers, Table Fans, and Radios etc. It is portable, light-weight, easily mountable and consumes less space due to its in-built battery feature. Pico is based on the latest & advanced Micro Controller based PWM technology using MOSFETs which facilitates optimal power usage.

Principle: Su-Kam HUPS are innovative two in one products which eliminate the need to have separate power backup systems for home equipment & computers.

Product features:

  • Peak Power Output 300%.
  • User Friendly LED Display
  • Very Fast Switch Over Time
  • In-built CFL Holder
  • In-built 7.2 Ah SMF Battery
  • Micro Controller Based PWM Technology using MOSFETs.

Electronic Protection

  • Battery reversal pole protection
  • Battery deep discharge & overcharge protection.
  • High surge load handling capability
  • Smart overload & short circuit protection with 8 times auto retry
  • Reverse current flow protection.


  • User Friendly LED display
  • Power Switch active indication
  • 3 LEDs display following states - operation mode, state of charge, fault message


  • Single operation master switch
  • Automatic circuit breaker recovery

Approvals & Certifications

  • Certified by ETDC & CE
  • Technology & Design Patent.
  • Copyrights & Trademark.
  • Manufactured according to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001

Pico SecureSmart Led alerts

Load Chart & Applications

Load OptionABCDEF
Table Fan11
Tube Light1
Mobile Charger11
Note: Indicative values only, actual calculation depend on manufacturer’s specification.
1 CFL*upto 7.5 hrs
3 CFLs*upto 3 hrs
1 Laptopupto 3 hrs
1 Table Fanupto 1.30 hrs
Table Fan + 1 CFL*upto 1 hr
*Back-up time according to 5W CFL and 50W Table Fan.


Plug in CpuEasy to HandlePlug inCharger
  • Power Switch: The power switch has to be ON while charging the battery or while using the system in the back-up mode.
  • AC Fuse: An AC fuse has been provided to counter overload.
  • UPS/W-UPS Mode Switch: A button enables users to switch from UPS mode (for sensitive appliances) to Wide UPS mode (for non-sensitive appliances).
  • Handle: Sturdy, metallic handle for easy transportability
  • Easy-to-handle: Light weight, portable and effortlessly mountable in 3 different positions
  • Inbuilt Battery: 7.2 AH SMF in-built battery for power back-up
  • Output Socket: Output socket with a 5 pin point plug has been provided to use the UPS system for different applications i.e. Mobile charging, CFLs, Laptop charging, Modem, Radio, Table Fan, Wire extension etc.
  • Holder: User can plug-in a CFL into the holder and use it as an emergency light too.
  • Power Cable: Cable has been provided to charge the system anywhere anytime

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