Sunday, April 22, 2012

Most Married Woman

Most Married Woman

Linda Wolfe, 68, is an American woman who holds the honour of “The Most Married Woman in the World” in Guinness book of records after walking down the aisle 23 times, and now is on a look out for Mr 24. According to Miss Linda, she is “addicted to the romance” of getting married. She first married in 1967 at the age of 16, to a 31 year old. The rest of the list of husbands includes a one-eyed convict, a preacher, barmen, plumbers and musicians. Two turned out to be homosexual, two were homeless and one beat her. Another put a padlock on her fridge. One marriage lasted just 36 hours because “the love wasn’t there”. But Linda, from Indiana, once married the same man, Jack Gourley, three times. She told The Sun: “It’s been years since I walked down the aisle. I miss it” The serial bride, who now lives in a retirement home, said she had never cheated on a husband. According to the Chicago Sun-Times, The title of the world’s most married person said in February that she’s lonely and would love to walk down the aisle again.

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