Sunday, December 6, 2015

The Language of God

“Philosophy [nature] is written in that great book which ever is before our eyes — I mean the universe — but we cannot understand it if we do not first learn the language and grasp the symbols in which it is written. The book is written in mathematical language, and the symbols are triangles, circles and other geometrical figures, without whose help it is impossible to comprehend a single word of it; without which one wanders in vain through a dark labyrinth.”  — Galileo Galilei
Blessed is the man who finds wisdom, the man who gains understanding, 
for she is more profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold.
She is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare with her.
Long life is in her right hand; in her left hand are riches and honor.
Her ways are pleasant ways, and all her paths are peace.
She is a tree of life to those who embrace her; those who lay hold of her will be blessed. 
By wisdom the LORD laid the earth’s foundations, by understanding he set the heavens in place; by his knowledge the deeps were divided, and the clouds let drop the dew. — The Bible, Proverbs 3: 13-20
“That which is Below corresponds to that which is Above, and that which is Above, corresponds to that which is Below, to accomplish the miracles of the One Thing”
— Hermes Trismegistus
“A tradition which has been credited by many learned men over the centuries is that the ancients encoded their knowledge of the world  in the dimensions of their sacred monuments.”  — John Michell
“If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.” — Nicola Tesla
Note: Don’t miss this important video “Secrets in Plain Site” at the end of this post.

The Language of the Divine Architect

The creation myths of many traditions describe the universe as the work of a Divine Architect who uses “sacred geometry” to unfold the dimensions of a beautiful cosmos, wisely designing every aspect of it, and governing by just proportions evidenced in the geometric shapes and processes of nature.

The language of God is mathematical language of numbers, proportions and (sacred) geometry.

“As Above, So Below” – these words circulate throughout occult and magical circles, and they come from Hermetic texts. The concept was first laid out in The Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus, in the words “That which is Below corresponds to that which is Above, and that which is Above, corresponds to that which is Below, to accomplish the miracles of the One Thing”
The entire Universe (including our solar system, as well as atoms, DNA and life-forms) reveals the secrets of balance, rhythm, proportion and unity in diversity, the fractal  interconnection of parts with each other and the whole. This harmony is expressed by some “key” numbers: Fibonacci Series, Phi, Pi and “e”.
The first 21 Fibonacci numbers:  
0     1     1     2     3     5     8     13     21     34     55     89     144     233     377     610     987     1597     2584     4181     6765
A simple number pattern, known as the Fibonacci Series, sits at the heart of  the marvelous architecture and patterns of life and growth.
These few equations are the “seeds” of  God’s “Grand Design” ( God’s “fingerprint”):
Pi = (6/5) * phi2
 Euler’s Identity Equation:
e   – is Euler’s number, the base of natural logarithms
i   –  is the imaginary unit, which satisfies i2 = sqrt(-1)
Pi – is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter
phi- is the the golden ratio number 1.618034

Mathematical beauty of Euler’s Identity

Euler’s identity is considered by many to be remarkable for its mathematical beauty. These three basic arithmetic operations occur exactly once each: addition, multiplication, and exponentiation. The identity also links five fundamental mathematical constants:
The number 0, the additive identity.
The number 1, the multiplicative identity.
The number Pi, which is ubiquitous in trigonometry, the geometry of Euclidean space, and analytical mathematics (Pi = 3.14159265…)
The number e, the base of natural logarithms, which occurs widely in mathematical and scientific analysis (e = 2.718281828…). Both “pi” and “e” are transcendental numbers.
The number i, the imaginary unit of the complex numbers, a field of numbers that contains the roots of all polynomials (that are not constants), and whose study leads to deeper insights into many areas of algebra and calculus, such as integration in calculus.
Furthermore, in algebra and other areas of mathematics, equations are commonly written with zero on one side of the equals sign.
A poll of readers conducted by The Mathematical Intelligencer magazine named Euler’s identity as the “most beautiful theorem in mathematics”. Another poll of readers that was conducted by Physics World magazine, in 2004, chose Euler’s identity tied with Maxwell’s equations (of electromagnetism) as the “greatest equation ever”  — Wikipedia
 A simple number pattern, known as the Fibonacci Series, sits at the heart of  the marvelous architecture and patterns of life and growth.

 Pi and phi

Pi = (6/5) * phi2
 300 * Pi = 360 * phi2
For a circle with radius = 1 we get this equation for 
(close approximation of) its circumference:
2 * Pi = (360/150) * phi2
There is another way to write this equation:
Pi – Phi2 = 0.2 * phi2
Lets calculate the value:
Pi – phi2  = 0.5236
this number in meters is equal 20.614 inches = 1 Royal Egyptian Cubit 
(unit of length used by ancient Egyptians during construction of pyramids)


“If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.” –-N.Tesla
Perhaps Tesla had in mind another thing altogether.  It basically boiled down to energy/field/consciousness, which equates in to electricity/magnetism/consciousness, that made up Trinity. Energy is your divine spark, and field is the area you exist within. The 2 things that allow consciousness to isolate itself is electricity and magnetism. NOTHING in the physical universe exists outside energy and field…only then can you have consciousness reside inside a material existence.
3:6:9 … Perhaps these numbers were intentionally expressed by the pyramids of Giza…?There are 9 pyramids on the Giza plateau: 3 large pyramids and 6 small “satellite” pyramids. Also, the design of the Second (Khafre) Pyramid of Giza  is based on ratio 9:6.
Note: 6:5 is another special ratio used in ancient times

The Fibonacci series has a pattern that repeats every 24 numbers

Numeric reduction is a technique used in analysis of numbers in which all the digits of a number are added together until only one digit remains.  As an example, the numeric reduction of 256 is 4 because 2+5+6=13 and 1+3=4.  Applying numeric reduction to the Fibonacci series produces an infinite series of 24 repeating digits:
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 4, 3, 7, 1, 8, 9, 8, 8, 7, 6, 4, 1, 5, 6, 2, 8, 1, 9
If you take the first 12 digits and add them to the second twelve digits and apply numeric reduction to the result, you find that they all have a value of 9.
1st 12 numbers:                                              1    1    2    3    5    8    4    3    7    1    8    9
2nd 12 numbers:                                             8    8    7    6    4    1    5    6    2    8    1    9
Numeric reduction – Add rows 1 and 2:             9    9    9    9    9    9    9    9    9    9    9   18
Final numeric reduction – Add digits of result:    9    9    9    9    9    9    9    9    9    9    9    9
This pattern was contributed both by Joseph Turbeville and then again by a mathematician by the name of Jain.

Marko Rodin and God’s Particle

Marko Rodin has indeed discovered natures secret about 3,6, and 9.
“We have to cast out all 9’s.” What does that mean? It means that any number that is above the value 9 or one place value is going to be added together to get a single digit.So this means if we have a number 26, we add 2+6 to get 8, which is its “archetype”. If we do this for all numbers while doubling and halving, we get a pattern.
This. The secret to the Universe is DOUBLING and HALVING.
Let’s double the number 1 and found out what pattern we get.
1  1
2  2
4  4
8  8
16  7 (1+6=7)
32  5 (3+2=5)
64  1 (6+4=10, 1+0=1)
128  2 (1+2+8=11, 1+1=2)
256  4 (2+5+6=13, 1+3=4)
512  8 (5+1+2=8)
1024  7 (1+0+2+4=7)
2048  5 (2+0=4+8=14, 1+4=5)
Actually, every 6 sets repeats into infinity in this way.
You can also do the same by halving, or dividing the 1 into many parts.
Anyway.. there is more, like how 3, 6, and 9 are never present amongst other numbers in the double scheme.
12 (1+2=3)
24 (2+4=6)
48 (4+8=12, 1+2=3)
96 (9+6=15, 1+5=6)
3 and 6’s are constantly oscillating back and forth between each other in the doubling and halving scheme.
Now let’s double 9.
18 (1+8=9)
27 (2+7=9)
36 (3+6=9)
45 (4+5=9)
54 etc. starts over backwards here.
So 9 is the unchanging, unwavering number that never really loses its true identity, even though it is undergoing a constant state changing.
 Watch Marko Rodins videos on YouTube and just try to understand what he’s saying. Basically he’s found the math to the real “God Particle” or particle of Spirit, known as Brahman in the Vedas, and he has shown how it can be observed, but not with physical instruments.

Significant Numbers

Besides sacred Tetractys, these numbers are considered very important in Nature:

The Number 33

  • A normal human spine has 33 vertebrae when the bones that form the coccyx are counted individually
  • 33 is, according to the Newton scale, the temperature at which water boils
  • The atomic number of arsenic
  • The divine name Elohim appears 33 times in the story of creation in the opening chapters of Genesis
  • Jesus’s age when he was crucified in 33 A.D.
  • Jesus performed 33 recorded miracles
  • 33 is not only a numerical representation of “the Star of David,” but also the numerical equivalent of AMEN: 1+13+5+14=33
  • the highest degree in the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.

The Number 81

  • The 81 stable Chemical Elements in Nature
  • Prime Factors of 81=3x3x3x3.
  • 81 is a Square Number 81=9×9
  • 81 “generates” all digits of the decimal system: 
    (10/81)= 0.12345679 012345679 012345679012346 (recrring infinitely)
  • The Saros number of the solar eclipse series which began on -322 May 12 and ended on 958 June. The duration of Saros series 81 was 1280.1 years, and it contained 72 solar eclipses. Further, the number of lunar eclipse series which began on -20 February 19 and ended on 1296 April. The duration of Saros series 81 was 1316.2 years, and it contained 74 lunar eclipses.

Plato’s Number

Plato’s number is a number enigmatically referred to by Plato in his dialogue the Republic. There is no real agreement neither about the meaning nor about the value of the number. It has been called also the ‘Geometrical number’ or the ‘Nuptial number’ (the Number of the Bride’’),and designated by various other means. Comments on this passage have appeared ever since it has been written. Without any consensus in the argumentation 216 is a most frequently proposed value for it, but 3600 or 12960000 are also commonly considered.
Most interpretators argue that the value of Plato’s number is 216 because it is the cube of 6 i.e. 6^3=216 which is remarkable for being also a sum of the cubes for the Pythagorean triple 3,4,and 5
216 = 63=33+43+53

The Number 137

The fine structure constant, a dimensionless physical constant, approximates 1/137, and the astronomer Arthur Eddington conjectured in 1929 that its reciprocal was in fact precisely the integer 137, which he claimed could be “obtained by pure deduction”. The experimental values for the constant were closer to 137.036… The fine structure constant continues to convince people that the universe has numerological fine tuning.
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There are many more – please submit your favorite sacred number (make a comment)

Ancient Knowledge

Truly it has been said that there is nothing new under the sun, 
for knowledge is revealed and is submerged again, even as a nation rises and falls. 
Here is a system, tested throughout the ages, but lost again and again by ignorance or prejudice, 
in the same way that great nations have risen and fallen 
and been lost to history beneath the desert sands and in the ocean depths.
Various societies through history, seeking to live in accord with the cosmic harmony, modeled their realms on the Divine Architect’s “sacred geometry” plan, creating cosmologically oriented societies which mirrored on Earth the celestial twelve-part zodiac. Everything, including their myths, laws, rituals, architecture, language, literature, music, furniture, coins, weights and measures, was integrated in a unified harmonious scheme. Ancient societies used it in the planning and construction of religious structures such as temples, churches, mosques, religious monuments, altars, tabernacles; as well as for sacred spaces such as temenoi, sacred groves, village greens and holy wells, and the creation of religious art.  It seems that all of the ancient sites were astronomically oriented and their architectural design was based on principles of  the “sacred geometry” of nature. 
Ancient metrology was based on units of measure related to astronomy and geodesy(the measurement and representation of the Earth shape and size).
Ancient cultures knew about sacred geometry reflected in nature and derived their individual measures of length from it. Many ancient writings suggest that this knowledge was given to mankind by god(s). The ‘Gods’ of certain cultures could be early post-flood founders a few generations after Noah. In Egypt, building overseers required the Royal Egyptian Cubit to be calibrated against a precision standard at regular intervals. Failure to do so was punishable by death.  This extreme respect for the royal cubit indicates an important legacy, like a standard handed down from the ‘Gods’.
According to the “Secrets of the Great Pyramid” (by L. Stecchini) the Egyptian measures of length, originating from at least the 3rd millennium BC, were directly derived from the circumference of the earth with an amazing accuracy. On page 346, his claim is that theEgyptian measurement was equal to 40,075,000 meters, which compared to the International Spheroid of 40,076,596 meters gives an error of 0.004%. No consideration seems to be made to the question of, on purely technical and procedural grounds, how the early Egyptians, in defining their cubit, could have achieved a degree of accuracy that to our current knowledge can only be achieved with very sophisticated equipment and techniques.
Note: Egyptians calculated polar radius as 12,000,000 Royal Cubits (of 0.525 m per cubit) which is equivalent of 6300 km (modern value for the polar radius of the  Earth is 6,357km)
The Sacred Cubit (aka Royal Cubit) was used in constructing buildings and monuments and in surveying in ancient Egypt. Royal Cubit consists of 28 units, digits ( 7 palms of 4 digits). The names of divisions of royal cubit may suggest anatomical origin, however the division numbers indicate astronomical origin of the cubit (7 days per week, 28 days lunar calendar, 4 weeks per lunar month)…
Note: Here is an  interesting connection between modern and ancient units of length with astronomy and geodesy:  1 foot = 12 inches,  1 mile = 5280 feet = 63,360 inches = 4800 Sumerian Feet = 3200 Sumerian Cubits. 
There is great confusion today concerning metrology, the history of measurement systems around the world. Beyond the child’s tales of the “foot” deriving from some king’s foot, measurement was actually part of a sacred system of knowledge established in prehistory and based on timeless truths seen in the harmony of the cosmos.Standards of measure were everywhere framed upon never-changing principles of number, in particular, the interplay of natural tension between ten and twelve, and the dimensions of the turning Earth. Except for the survival of the English system in the U.S., most other traditional systems of measurement worldwide have succumbed to the “easy” and modern, but inferior “metric” system, which uses only ten, is divorced from nature and the human scale, and requires its users to conform to the measuring tools themselves, not to the nature of the objects measured, as was traditionally done. 

The Cosmological Diagram (The New Jerusalem Diagram)

The Sacred Geometric Community has fallen short of the grand prize, the New Jerusalem and her fullness of purpose, they have at least seen, especially through the apostolic efforts of John Michell, the suburbs of the Holy City and from this afar view have come imminently close to her profound and universal meaning; and certainly by framing their quests for universal understanding and sustainable social systems in terms of the Celestial City (or as in Plato’s case, Magnesia).  Their approach to the City Whose Builder and Maker is God (even though that “god” is NOT the One of revelation and authority held by their antagonists amongst the aforesaid monotheists), as we all, is seen through a glass darkly but, nevertheless, they are searching to unlock the mystery of the New Jerusalem and to confirm their findings through geodetic discovery.
Another version of the NJ Diagram is Magical Seal of Solomon.
In Medieval Jewish, Christian and Islamic legends, the Seal of Solomon was a magical signet ring said to have been possessed by King Solomon, which variously gave him the power to command demons, genies (or jinni), or to speak with animals. In some versions the seal was made of brass and iron, carved with the Name of God, and set with four jewels. In later versions the ring simply bore the symbol now called the Star of David (hexagram), often within a circle, usually with the two triangles interlaced  rather than intersecting.
To them the “geometric construction” of the New Jerusalem presents cosmological realities which govern the universe – a universe numerically understood far more by the “ancients” who have left us a testament in their objects and writings to these realities whereby John’s vision of the Holy City is the culmination of all their most vivid aspirations; to wit, the elaborate geometric configurations from the New Jerusalem Diagram to intriguing planetary measurements of circles, squares, triangles, polygons of all sorts which provide immediate connectivity between earth and heaven’s realms – as well as those earthly objects of antiquity which replicate the heavenly dimensions of Paradise, and all within the context, preservation and accuracies of antiquity:
“Another relic of the archaic tradition that produced these divisions of time is our present system of measurement by units of feet, furlongs, and miles, with the acre as the unit of land measuring.  Those measures, which are still found the most convenient today, were canonized and held sacred, because not only do they relate both to the human and to the astronomical scales, expressing the unity between macrocosm and microcosm, but they bring out the same numbers in the dimensions of the solar system as were given to the units of time.”  — Dimensions of Paradise, Michell, p. 117.
One of the foremost metrologists of Teotihuacán is, without equivocation, Dr. Hugh Harleston Jr., who during the late 1960s and 1970s measured this “ritual city” from a “…unified geometrical composition whose intervals are clearly defined, and Harleston was soon able to establish the basic unit of measure in its dimensions.  This proved to be a unit of 1.0594 meters, which Harleston called the Standard Teotihuacán Unit (STU) orHunab after the Mayan word, adopted by the Aztecs, for Measure.  He also recognized the geodetic significance of that unit:  1.0594063 meters is equivalent to the ‘Jewish rod’ of 3.4757485 ft., the same unit which represents the width of the Stonehenge lintels, a six-millionth part of the earth’s polar radius and one part in 37,800,000 of its mean circumference.” (Ref. The New View Over Atlantis, Dr. John Michell, 1995, p. 131).
Also:  “Harleston says of Teotihuacan’s builders: ‘When they draw a line, they’re telling you an area. When they draw an area, they’re telling you a volume.  When they put volume, they’re telling you time.”
Geodesy and geodetic placement of “sacred sites” of ancient origins has long been affirmatively suspect – especially, the Great Pyramid of Giza.  Geodesy involves a fundamental understanding of plane or solid geometry, astronomy relative to latitude and longitude with latitude of more recent vintage since ships-clock (cir. 1540) came into vogue.   These geodetic or geometric relationships both on earth and in the heavens are a frequent haunt of pagans and occultists and of novel interest to science – though science with its unfortunate proliferation of skeptic is apt to go off into “metric tangents” and miss out on all the “fun!”For quite some time researchers have been documenting the astronomical alignments of ancient archaeological and megalithic stone sites all over the world. But discovery of their geodesic alignment has been more recent. Geodesy refers to the theory and practice of surveying to determine the position of specific points on Earth’s surface. It is distinguished from plane surveying in that it deals with areas whose dimensions are so great that the curvature of the Earth must be taken into account. Geometric geodesy involves the creation of a mathematical model of Earth, while physical geodesy studies Earth’s gravity field.  The discovery of the precise alignment of Mayan sites along the 90th parallel is significant because it demonstrates that the Maya were aware of Earth’s curvature and knew the advanced formulas used in geodesy.
Note: Carl Munck, archaeocryptographer, introduces an ancient Pyramid Matrix, in which ancient monuments – across the globe – encode their exact positions with respect to latitude and longitude. The science of decoding these monuments is called archaeocryptography. For latitude, ancient monuments were referenced to the same (modern) equator. For longitude, these monuments were referenced to a former Giza, Egypt Prime Meridian – discovered by Munck – that ran from pole to pole across the Great Pyramid.

PS1  The Forgotten Harmonical Science of the Bible

Note: The following segment is from “The forgotten harmonical science of the Bible” by Ernest G. McClain
“…but thou hast ordered all things in measure and number and weight” — Wisdom of Solomon 11:20  (1611 King James Bible)
Biblical creation “by measure, number and weight”  required God to possess a fluency in arithmetic not always shared by the faithful. And so Bible arithmetic of the first millennium BC eventually became incomprehensible.
Today much of the astronomy, arithmetic, and music attributed to Classical Greece is documented to Semitic Babylon in the second millennium B.C.   Mesopotamian fluency in calculation–in the age of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob–already was 3000 years ahead of 16th century AD Europe. Babylonian exile in the sixth century BC made accessible to the Jews anything not already known.
With help of Philo of Alexandria I am reading Divine prescience as pre-scientific musicalinsight encoded in tribal mythology.  Biblical emphasis on twelve sons as eponymous ancestors of twelve tribes who build an altar of twelve stones concerns twelve idealized “boundary markers” in a cyclic octave needed for Davidic musicology. The pattern was long symbolized in the concentric circles of the Babylonian astrolabe, adjusted monthly to correlate the watches with the varying lengths of day and night.  Figure 2 strips all star data from van der Waerden’s reconstruction, and converts his base-60 water-clock weights (for full watches in the outer circle, and half and quarter watches in the inner circles) to base 10 arithmetic.
The astrolabe’s naked geometry and simple arithmetical doubling expose the idealist mind set which guided the evolution of Chaldaean sciences — converted to priestly ritual by Jewish ingenuity. Twelve ideal months of 30 fictitious days were superimposed on the heavens, and the ratio of longest night to shortest day, known to be about 3:2, was computed as 2:1, so that only music offered a “manipulable” example which conformed to these rounded measures.
Concentric circles anticipate Ezekiel’s “wheel in a wheel” as the throne of heaven. Within each circle maxima and minima water clock weights of 2:1 anticipate the ratio of cyclic octaves. But equal weight differences between successive months (reversing at the solstices in months III and IX) had to give way to proportional differences between successive semitones when this geometry was applied to music. Rational tonal    arithmetic, cleverly mimed by Ezekiel, could anticipate this conceptual equality only via a slight but cumulative excess or deficiency, for in a cyclic octave of ratio 1:2 all equal divisions are defined by irrationals. Thus the Holy Land of a spiritual Israel had to be conquered conceptually in intricate warfare between the excess of primordial “giants” (products of 3) and the deficiency of human “weaklings” (products of 5) among rational numbers, and “weaklings” won only with Divine help in circumventing the lack of real number. Bible narrative brilliantly allegorizes every aspect of Diophantine approximation to modern Equal Temperament, and it does so with exhausting respect for numerical detail–making the Bible a priceless repository of tuning lore and its elementary number theory. The “unhewn” stones of Jewish altars are integers, meaning the natural or counting numbers to which harmonical theory normally was restricted, although its calculation demanded great fluency with reciprocal fractions. From the perspective of any reference pitch all integers except 2n necessarily “sinned” by “missing the mark” to some degree because octave doubling imposed, a priori, a universal matrix (“womb”) tied to integral powers of 2. Problems arose immediately with division into 2 equal parts (requiring the square root of 2) and 3 parts (requiring the cube root of 2).
Sensory intuition always fails at some level of arithmetical subtlety where least noticeable differences create a Platonic “no man’s land” of uncertainty. Greek, Jewish, and Chinese cultures are unanimous in accepting the comma of 80:81 as its convenient normative value. It is the difference between a “giant” wholetone of 8:9 (worth 204 centsin modern logarithmic measure) and a “human weakling” of 9:10 (worth only 190). They are approximations to the sixth root of 2 worth 200 cents, the value necessary to divide an octave 1:2 into six equal parts. How Davidic tuning theory reconciles this conflict becomes the central focus of Bible allegory  And in the sixth century BC only God could have solved this problem numerically–although any geometer could map results to his own satisfaction for the astrolabe pointed the way.
For musician/philosophers of Philo’s temperament,  tuning theory may always have been a contest in the soul between the potential tyranny of masculine intellection, considered mankind’s very highest power, and the relative benevolence of our feminine sensorium, where least noticeable differences create some measure of perceptual tolerance.Wisdom required a congenial mating between our own masculine concepts and feminine percepts, and sometimes rewarded it with the experience of transcendent beauty in “out of the body” adventures like Philo enjoyed when listening to the antiphonal singing of segregated sexes in his Alexandrine synagogue. I am trying here to articulate Bible harmonics in Philo’s spirit while paying closer attention to its computational logic.
Philo’s insight  proves to decode most (though not yet all) Bible numerology. And that decoding exposes the poetic metaphors in which the Jews embodied algebra. As we gain a stronger hold on this forgotten Bible arithmetic, the literary genius of authorial allegory reveals its power to encode structure and meaning on two parallel levels: 1) in an esoteric arithmetic probably never understood except by experts in computation, but therefore needing only cryptic allusion; and 2) in homely parables which make symbolic meaning clear even to the illiterate, and thus protect priestly allegory against any accusation of elitism. I am concerned here mainly with the forgotten tonal logic in biblical numerology, employed with perfect discipline by Bible authors from the first page of Genesis to the last page of Revelation–where Jewish playfulness fades into Christian dogma.

Bible harmonics as prelude to Jewish philosophy

Creatures conceived during the seven days of the creation week (like all fruits containing their own seeds) are bid to “be fruitful and multiply” because multiplicationis the only operation relevant to ratio theory. And 7 is systematically expanded into the 7-year priestly cycle of  7×360=2,520 days, or 2×2,520=5,040 “days plus nights,” enlarging the tonal system at each step. This early example of combinatorics, disciplined by a set theory borrowed from music, thus proves most satisfactory on the monochord where all detail can be integrated.
Both Ezekiel and Plato project their arithmetic into similar concentric circles“a wheel in a wheel,” functioning as the throne of an idealized heaven. Plato’s analysis of 5,040 fits many of Ezekiel’s metaphors and thus facilitates decoding the sameness and differencebetween nascent Greek science and traditional Jewish wisdom. This is the cross-cultural ambiance in which Philo was  educated and about which he wrote with equal passion for Greek learning and for his own religion, which shared the same models. The music of the synagogue embodied their union and freed his soul to roam where it would. The two musical modes decoded from Bible numerology have proved to be associated historically with the mode of the Torah (Greek Dorian) and the mode of the Prophets(Greek Phrygian) in ways Philo helps us understand; they are the two modes Plato admitted in model cities.
The importance of the priestly 7-year calendrical cycle is emphasized in Ezekiel   39:10 where God insists that after his destruction of Israel’s enemies the country will  have no “need to take wood out of the field or cut down any out of the forests” for a period of seven years, “for they will make their fires of the weapons” of warfare. I   analyze the tonal content in 5,040 “days plus nights” as furnishing Jewish “weapons” of spiritual warfare not merely on this circumstantial biblical evidence but because this also follows Jewish philosophical precedent. In Sepher Yezirah, “A Book on Creation” written perhaps about the fourth century AD and considered by some to be the founding document in Jewish philosophy,  factorial seven meaning 1x2x3x4x5x6x7=5,040 is decomposed with a cryptic competence which Philo did not possess personally, and so I  fit his musicology into its schema. In this later document the Jews have tired of musical games and are putting harmonics behind them in favor of more general philosophical concerns. Thus it was the honest urge toward more general meaning which eventually helped Judaism to forget its debts to music. Sepher Yezirah elegantly directs attention to the systematic expansion of the harmonical system through successive factorials.
Two stones build two houses, three stones build six houses, four build twenty-four houses, five build one hundred and twenty houses, six build seven hundred and twenty houses and seven build five thousand and forty houses. From thence further go and reckon what the mouth cannot express and the ear cannot hear.
Factorial 7 leads us to “what the mouth cannot express and the ear cannot hear.” Today we are generally introduced to quantified tone ratios via a harmonic series on C. I invent a Philonic preview to ease readers into the past.

PS2 Cosmic Intelligence

Distinguish between those who understand and those who agree. 
He who understands the Teaching will not tarry in applying it to life; 
He who agrees will nod and extol the Teaching as remarkable wisdom, 
but will not apply this wisdom to his life.
There are many who have agreed, but they are like a withered forest, 
fruitless and without shade. Only decay awaits them.
Those who understand are few, but like a sponge they absorb the precious 
knowledge and are ready to cleanse the horrors of the world with the precious liquid.   — Buddha
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The following are few quotes from “THE ILLUMINATI’S SIX DIMENSIONAL UNIVERSE” by Adam Weishaupt
Mathematics is in fact the surest proof of cosmic mind and intelligence. It is absurd to propose, as materialistic science does, that mindless matter is miraculously able to organize itself in a host of complex ways according to  the “laws of physics”. No scientist has ever explained where the laws of physics come from and how they are possible. Why those laws and not others? Why any laws at all? Why not eternal randomness and chaos? Why  should matter be subject to law at all? Why should matter have any connection with mathematics? In fact, the cosmos “learned” mathematics over many eons by nothing more sophisticated than trial and error, evolutionary  natural selection and dialectical progression: the principles that have guided all existence since time immemorial. The cosmos in itself- dimensionless energy – continually “spilled” out of itself into dimensionality. It is the  nature of Will never to be “contained”. It will always try to reach beyond itself.
This was a haphazard process since dimensionality is mathematical and mathematics did not yet exist in any coherent way. Each time Will entered the domain of partial, incomplete dimensionality, it learned some new item of mathematical information. After countless “experiments”, the Will had learned to count and understand geometrical shapes. Not in any conscious sense – more like the ultimate autistic savant. Its grasp of mathematics was strictly intuitive. Mathematics was the first language ever learned by the cosmos; it is thereby the fundamental language of existence. It is the basis of all order and thought, of logic and reason, of mind, of consciousness. It is the essential framework providing the categories of understanding. It is the sine qua non. Mathematics can be considered as the true version of the Platonic Forms: eternal, perfect, unchanging, existing in a permanent ideal state to which the whole cosmos has access. They were not given to the cosmos as perfect Forms; rather they dialectically evolved and when they reached their Omega Point they were subject to no further change; they had achieved perfection and completion. Plato’s domain of perfect Forms is the domain of mathematics and it is now hard-wired into the cosmos (we might say that this domain is stored in the core memory of the cosmic mind, the Read-Only memory, to use a computing term.) The Will learned through its endless experimentation that only “complete” mathematics is stable and provides a proper framework for organization and order: all of Plato’s  mathematical Forms must be used, not an incomplete subset. And so came the miraculous moment when the r = o dimensionless cosmos of mind deliberately poured itself out into the r > o dimensional cosmos, according to a perfect intuitive understanding of complete mathematics as eternal Platonic Forms. Formlessness flowed through the domain of mathematical Forms and emerged in the myriad forms we observe in Nature. Plato’s  mathematical Forms are the origins of the laws of physics that shape the world we observe around us. They dictated the creation of the material world. This supreme, defining event was none other than the Big Bang itself.
It is essential for the cosmos to externalise itself, to physicalize itself, to alienate itself, in order to dialectically overcome that alienation and reach self-consciousness. The teleological purpose of the cosmos is precisely that: to attain self-consciousness, to actualise all of the latent powers, potential and possibilities of raw mind. No scientist has ever explained how mind originates in dead, mindless matter. The truth is that the arche is alive and minded and always has been. There is no dualism between life and death, between mind and non-mind, between consciousness and non-consciousness. Everything exists on a continuum of actualisation of life, mind and consciousness.Humans have more of it (more actualisation) than plants which have more of it than rocks which have more of it than interstellar dust. The cosmos is based on monism, not dualism. To be precise, it is a  dialectical monism. All dualistic systems- those based on two radically different concepts such as mind/matter, death/life, consciousness/non-consciousness -all fail for exactly the same reason: two unlike substances cannot interact.
Humanity, for the most part, lacks imagination. People can’t see beyond what seems “obvious”. They have such a strong attachment to common sense that they prefer it to reason. Their “gut instincts” are tied to common sense, not to reason. In a “fight or flight” situation, it will be a rare person who pauses to reason his way out of the dilemma. Leibniz said that the best account of the world is the one that is “simplest in hypotheses and the richest in phenomena.” If you were God, isn’t this exactly the creative principle that you would employ i.e. the simplest solution that provides the most possibilities? The universe appears immensely complex, yet  humanity, via science, seems to have made a remarkable degree of sense of much of it.  If the universe is based on rational principles (i.e. is not some random, lawless, chaotic, incomprehensible arena), why should the exercise of reason be unable to reveal its secrets? If the principles of reason are universal then they apply to  God as much as humanity; the better we become at reasoning, the more we become Godlike, as Plato and Aristotle were keen to assert. The biggest obstacle we have is that our minds have evolved in a way  that makes it difficult, though not impossible, for us to discern the true nature of reality. If common sense and the evidence of our senses on the one hand, and profound scientific, logical and  mathematical reasoning on the other, are not aligned then this means that we are continually deceived by what we take for granted.
Ill-informed non -scientists often sneer at science. In truth, they have no comprehension of what science says and they refuse to budge from their common sense opinions by which they are permanently enslaved. Certain  people have an enormous interest in maintaining a common sense set of opinions because, crucially, no one needs to be an expert to make pronouncements based on common sense. Common sense could be defined as Lowest  Common Denominator thinking – i.e. the most basic, least sophisticated, least demanding level of thinking. Common sense thinking favours stupid people because it is infinitely closer to their view of the world than it is to the  abstract, complex, visionary thinking of geniuses. Common sense is all about “dumbing down”.
Plato complained that he had created the perfect state, but where were the perfect people? The tragedy of humanity is that it is held back by humanity. It has never turned to its greatest minds. It has never placed its trust in the most meritorious. It has never valued “heresy” – the ability to choose  differently. Instead, it has burned the heretics.
If humanity were intelligent, the Abrahamic religions would not exist. In the future, when humanity is guided by Illumination and is on course to achieve its divine potential, the Abrahamic faiths will seem like a bad, far  distant, primitive memory of horror, and no one will be able to comprehend that humans once held such absurd beliefs. Once someone acknowledges that common sense is wrong then it follows that they are placing  themselves at the mercy of experts, of the geniuses of the human race who have developed abstract and bewilderingly complicated techniques for understanding the truth of existence.
If advanced mathematics is the language of Nature rather than common sense opinion then most people are screwed, right?
What’s the point of hanging on to simplistic and false opinions? To comfort yourself? To pander to your vanity? Deep down, most people realize they don’t have a clue about the mysteries of life. Some have a spiritual yearning that brings them to websites like ours, and they are to be applauded, yet the vast majority arrogantly dismiss anything they don’t understand and bury their heads in the sand like the good ostriches they are. They lap up the religions of faith because these don’t demand anything difficult of them.
What is a believer? He is someone who thinks that he is a good person and that he is certainly going to heaven. Well, that’s not a hard position to hold, is it? If you ask such a person about quantum mechanics, relativity theory, advanced mathematics, advanced philosophy, advanced theology, he won’t have a clue what you’re talking about, but what does he care? He’s a believer. He’s saved. God loves him. End of story. Now you can see why the religions of faith have spread like a cancer across the globe. They require no knowledge. In fact, they despise knowledge. Never forget Martin Luther’s insane declaration, “Reason is the Devil’s whore.” The Abrahamic faiths are all about common sense in day-to-day matters -obeying rules, laws and commandments set by the powers-that-be in the name of “God” -with the mysteries of life being consigned to a  compartment  marked, “No need to worry. If I believe in God I will be OK.” They can then get on with the rest of their lives -watching junk TV, eating junk food, getting drunk, getting high, getting married, doing dreary jobs,  waving the  patriotic flag, shopping, going to church on the Sabbath, going to the baseball game or football match yada yada yada: all the sad, soulless nonsense that passes as the “glory” of humanity.
In fact, most of us are sad robots on permanent Auto Pilot. We insult the glories of which we are truly capable, that we could attain if we succeeded in releasing our higher selves.
It’s time to stop shopping, to stop believing, to stop being enslaved by common sense.It’s time for humanity to turn to knowledge, to Gnosticism. Ordinary people would like to think that common sense is the right  tool for understanding the world, and that philosophers, scientists and mathematicians are wrong and perverse to seek “deeper” truths of reason that contradict common sense.
Copyright 2011 Adam Weishaupt

PS3 Crop Circles Connection?

Discover the hidden secrets of a timeless mystery in this award winning film about thegreatest Crop Circle formations ever created. The creators  of these paranormal formations (and their goal) still remain a mystery. After years of painstaking research, scientific evidence still points to alien influences that are responsible for this phenomena – or a secret gov/military project utilizing a satellite and laser-like energy-beam technology (one thing is certain – it is not possible to make complex crop circles by “hand” on the ground). 
What you are about to see in this amazing film can only be described as miraculous evidence of a secret art form that continues to defy explanation.  
Crop Circles: Crossovers from Another Dimension – 3-DVD Special Edition – Loaded with Bonus Features and Interviews, Cat# U653 – Go to

Subject Related

This is a documentary on sacred geometry and the hidden meanings encoded within buildings and city layouts. The secret society known as the Freemasons for centurys has used the knowledge of the ancient world to speak to one another through mathematical formulations called sacred geometry. Watch and be astounded as this is de-coded before your eyes, and gain an understanding of this knowledge for yourself!

How many people have ever lived on earth?

How many people have ever lived on earth?

Assuming that we start counting from about 50,000 B.C., the time when modern Homo sapiens appeared on the earth (and not from 700,000 B.C. when the ancestors of Homo sapiens appeared, or several million years ago when hominids were present), taking into account that all population data are a rough estimate, and assuming a constant growth rate applied to each period up to modern times, it has been estimated that a total of approximately 106 billion people have been born since the dawn of the human race, making the population currently alive roughly 6% of all people who have ever lived on planet Earth. Others have estimated the number of human beings who have ever lived to be anywhere from 45 billion to 125 billion, with most estimates falling into the range of90 to 110 billion humans.
50,000 B.C.2
8000 B.C.5,000,000
1 A.D.300,000,000
Number who have ever been born106,456,367,669
World population in mid-20026,215,000,000
Percent of those ever born who are living in 20025.8
The above estimate shows  that about 5.8 percent of all people ever born are alive today.  That’s actually a fairly large percentage when you think about it. Source: Population Reference Bureau estimates.

Number of people who have ever lived

Estimates of  “the total number of people who have ever lived” published in the first decade of the 21st century range approximately from 100 to 115 billion.

An estimate of the total number of people who have ever lived was prepared by Carl Haub of the Population Reference Bureau in 1995 and subsequently updated in 2002; the updated figure was approximately 106 billion. Haub characterized this figure as an estimate that required “selecting population sizes for different points from antiquity to the present and applying assumed birth rates to each period”. Given an estimated global population of 6.2 billion in 2002, it could be inferred that about 6% of all people who had ever existed were alive in 2002.
In the 1970s it was a popular belief that 75% of all the people who had ever lived were alive in the 1970s, which would have put the total number of people who ever lived as of the 1970s as less than the number of people alive today. This view was eventually debunked.
The number is difficult to estimate for the following reasons:
* The set of specific characteristics that define a human is a matter of definition, and it is open to debate which members of early Homo sapiens and earlier or related species of Homo to include. See in this regard also Sorites paradox. Even if the scientific community reached wide consensus regarding which characteristics distinguished human beings, it would be nearly impossible to pinpoint the time of their first appearance to even the nearest millennium because the fossil record is simply too sparse. However, the limited size of population in early times compared to its recent size makes this source of uncertainty of limited importance.
* Robust statistical data only exist for the last two or three centuries. Until the late 18th century, few governments had ever performed an accurate census. In many early attempts, such as Ancient Egypt and in the Persian Empire the focus was on counting merely a subset of the people for purposes of taxation or military service.[108] All claims of population sizes preceding the 18th century are estimates, and thus the margin of error for the total number of humans who have ever lived should be in the billions, or even tens of billions of people.
* A critical item for the estimation is life expectancy. Using a figure of twenty years and the population estimates above, one can compute about fifty-eight billion. Using a figure of forty yields half of that. Life expectancy varies greatly when taking into account children who died within the first year of birth, a number very difficult to estimate for earlier times. Haub states that “life expectancy at birth probably averaged only about ten years for most of human history”[106] His estimates for infant mortality suggest that around 40% of those who have ever lived did not survive beyond one year. [ Source: ]

Estimated world population at various dates (in millions)

70,000 BC< 0.015
10,000 BC1
9000 BC3
8000 BC5
7000 BC7
6000 BC10
5000 BC15
4000 BC20
3000 BC25
2000 BC35
1000 BC50
500 BC100
AD 1200
AD 1000310
AD 1750791
AD 1800978
AD 18501,262
AD 19001,650
AD 19502,519
AD 19552,756
AD 19602,982
AD 19653,335
AD 19703,692
AD 19754,068
AD 19804,435
AD 19854,831
AD 19905,263
AD 19955,674
AD 20006,070
AD 20056,454
JUL. 1, 20086,707

Mystery of the Great Pyramid missing capstone

When you look up at the Great Pyramid, it’s apex is missing. It is flap topped and not pointed like a pyramid should be.  Usually, when a pyramid was constructed, the top part, or capstone (also called top-stone), was the last thing to be placed on it. It was considered the most important part of the pyramid and was made of special stone or even gold. The capstone was usually highly decorated.
Was the great pyramid always without a capstone or was it stolen, destroyed, etc? No one knows but the accounts of visitors to the pyramid from the ancient past (as far back as the time of Christ) always reported that the pyramid lacked a capstone. It is possible that it was never finished. Another possibility is that capstones were sometimes made of gold and maybe the first thing looted. The only problem is that this would be a very large capstone. If you climbed to the top, you could walk around very freely on the pyramid as many have done. It is about 30 feet in each direction. Thus, this capstone would have been huge and weighed a tremendous amount. Also on the summit you would see something that looks like a mast or flagpole. Actually it was placed there by two astronomers in 1874 to show where the Pyramid’s actual apex would have been if finished.

On the back of a dollar bill, you can see a pyramid with a flat top. No one has been able to explain why the Great Pyramid would have been built without a capstone.
This is an interesting story associated with a visit to the top of the great pyramid. Many tourists have climbed to the top, which is not an easy journey. One such person was Sir Siemen’s, a British inventor. He climbed to the top with his Arab guides. One of his guides called attention to the fact that when he raised his hand with outspread fingers, he would hear an acute ringing noise. Siemen raised his index finger and felt a distinct prickling sensation. He also received an electric shock when he tried to drink from a bottle of wine that he had brought with him. Being a scientist, Siemen than moistened a newspaper and wrapped it around the wine bottle to convert it into a Leyden jar (an early form of a capacitor). When he held it above his head, it became charged with electricity. Sparks then were emitted from the bottle. One of the Arab guides got frightened and thought Siemen was up to some witchcraft and attempted to seize Siemen’s companion. When Siemen’s noticed this, he pointed the bottle towards the Arab and gave him such a shock that it knocked the Arab to the ground almost rendering him unconscious. When he recovered, he took off down the pyramid shouting loudly. What kind of natural phenomena on the top of the Great Pyramid could produce such an electo-static effect? It would be interesting to conduct additional physics experiments on the top of the Great Pyramid.

No Capstone for the Great Pyramid

by a fellow researcher
In an unexpected announcement the Egyptian government cancelled plans to cap the great pyramid as part of their millenium celebration.
CAIRO, Egypt (AP) – In an apparent nod to public opinion, the government on Thursday, December 16, 1999 canceled its plan to cap the Great Pyramid in gold for the millennium celebrations.
Egypt had planned to usher in the New Year by affixing a gold-encased capstone on the Great Pyramid, built as a tomb for King Cheops about 4,500 years ago.
The 30-foot high cap was to be lowered by helicopter at the stroke of midnight Dec. 31, making the broken pyramid whole again, if only for a night.
Culture Minister Farouk Hosni gave no reason for backing off the plan, but said the decision was made despite technical advice that it would not have damaged the monument, Egypt’s Middle East News Agency reported.
Egypt’s millennium celebrations feature a 12-hour concert at the foot of the Giza pyramids with 1,000 performers.
Egypt, whose recorded history goes back 6,000 years, is promoting the celebration as the start of its seventh millennium.
One of the reasons for this refusal to allow the capstone to be placed on the Great Pyramid is reported to be a fear of terrorists. It appears there were some fears terrorists might shoot down the helicopter as it was lifting the capstone in place thereby damaging the pyramid. Is that the real reason? There are also rumors that the crash of Egyptian Flight 990 is somehow involved in this decision. Could there be people so in terror of what will happen once the pyramid is capped that they would resort to sabotaging a passenger liner?
What kind of fears could cause such fears and such drastic action?
It is believed by some groups of people that the pyramid itself is a machine. A machine that would be turned on once the capstone was in place. A machine that by its very nature would boost the spiritual consciousness of planet Earth and its inhabitants by raising the vibrational levels. Considering the amount of research that has been conducted on pyramid energy and the number of books that have been written about the subject that idea isn’t so farfetched. The shape alone appears to have a power to alter natural substances.
Many people were looking forward to this capping. Now we will never know what the effects would have been, if any. Perhaps it is better that we don’t mess with unknown powers until we better understand them. Do we really know what power could have been unleashed or what power has been unleashed in the past. There may be good reasons why the capstone was removed.
We know from Edgar Cayces’ readings that Atlantis was destroyed by the misuse of power that came from crystals? Is it possible that the pyramid was part of this energy grid? If so the capstone could have been removed to prevent further destruction.
If the pyramid is a machine just waiting to be turned back on how do we know what its original functions were and how do we know it would still work as originally designed? Besides the capstone being removed there have been other changes. There has been tunneling in and around the pyramid as well as additions like electrical lighting. It is possible that any of these could have changed how the machine would operate and what the effects would be.
If the purpose in replacing the capstone was to turn on the machine it is possible some of these questions have occurred to those responsible for making the decisions. Since we have no way of knowing how this machine is supposed to function or even what parts of the pyramid would make up the machine we have no way to conduct tests to make sure the machine is working properly.
For those of us who were looking forward to seeing the capstone placed on the great pyramid we can only wait and hope that someday soon we will accumulate enough knowledge about the true nature of the pyramid to answer all these questions. In the meantime it may be best that we not rush into tampering with forces that we don’t understand.
The Masonic ritual which coincided with the 33.33 degree alignment of planet Mars from the perspective of Cairo at 12:19 AM, January 1, 2000 continued. This ritual can be looked at as an addition to the Masonic rituals page (Table of Coincidence).

 PS1 Note on the Pyramidion found at Dahshur

German excavator Rainer Stadelmann found [ near the Red Pyramid ] uninscribed limestone pyramidion (capstone). Broken in its fall, it has been painstakingly pieced together and now sites at the base of the pyramid. The capstone disclosed faces that slope at about 54 degrees – more than 10-degree difference from the slope of the Red Pyramid, its supposed location.
The significant discrepancy between the slope of the pyramidion found at Dahshur and the slope of the Red Pyramid, beside which it was found, suggests that this pyramidion might have been planned for another pyramid. Study of surviving pyramidia and the evidence provided by the other yramids in the area seem to point to the second stage of the-construction of the Bent Pyramid as its original destination. [ or perhaps the Great Pyramid? ]
In 1982, the expedition of the Deutsches Archäologisches lnstitut Kairo at Dahshur discovered fragments of an uninscribed limestone pyramidion among the debris surrounding the Red Pyramid1. Although still in pieces, the pyramidion immediately appeared to be steeper than the pyramid. The discrepancy was ascribed to a deliberate variation of the slope of the pyramid during construction, in order to make the uppermost part of the monument more visible from the  ground2. Since then, the fragments have been assembled and placed in front of the pyramid. The result of the reconstruction, however, raises questions about the relationship between this
pyramidion and the Red Pyramid.
Because of the large number of fragments and the generous use of plaster in the reconstruction, the surfaces of the pyramidion are slightly irregular. Nevertheless, at about 96 cm from the top, measured along the edge, it is possible to measure the breadth of the faces directly on the original pieces. They are about 96 cm  (3.1496 feet)wide, which means that the four faces were each equilateral triangles.
The pyramidia of Amenemhat lll (at Dahshur} and Khendjer, both in the Cairo Museum, show the same proportions, that is the length of the edge is equal to the length of the base 3.
The Egyptians measured the slope, which was called seked, as the horizontal displacement of the sloping face for a vertical drop of one cubit4. That is, they measured the number of cubits, palms and fingers from which the sloping side had ‘moved’ from a vertical line at the height of one cubit. Basically the Egyptians constructed a right-angled triangle: of the two catheti (i.e. the two sides at a right angle to one another), one was equal to one cubit, the other corresponded to the seked 5. In a pyramid, if edges and base have the same length, the four faces are four equilateral triangles resting on oblique planes inclined toward the vertical axis. The slope of such a pyramid can be measured as 54°30′, or a seked of 5 palms. Although it does not seem to have been a very regular piece altogether 6,  the pyramidion found at Dahshur appears to have shared these geometrical characteristics.
Of the casing of the pyramids of Amenemhat II I and Khendjer, only loose blocks survive and for both it was possible to ascertain that their slope was between 54o and 56o 7.
Source: The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology   >  Vol. 85, 1999   >  Note on the Pyramidion
Interesting Facts: 
pi = 3.1416, 
Royal Egyptian Cubit = 0.524 m
3.1416 feet = 0.957 m
2x (0.957 / 0.524 ) = 2x  1.8263 = 3.6526 = 365.26 x 10-2
Number of days in a year: 365.25

PS2 Another Capstone Theory

The pyramidion (capstone) found near the Red Pyramid is nearly “96 cm from the top, measured along the edge“. This (and other capstones found in Egypt) suggests that Egyptians were not making huge capstones for their pyramids. Therefore assumption that missing capstone of the Great Pyramid was huge (30 feet at the base) is wrong. It is very likely that in addition to the missing pyramidion there is a layer of stones missing as well. Therefore the capstone was much smaller than the missing part of the pyramid.
To maintain perfect slope angle such a capstone would have to have identical proportions as the whole pyramid: 7:11. If we use the “Red Pyramid” capstone to estimate possible size of the capstone from the Great Pyramid, it seems reasonable to select 2 Royal Cubits (140th of the pyramid’s height)  for its height.  The capstone’s base in this case would be 3.14286 RC  (as the result of keeping the same scale and proportions as the GP) . This is very close approximation of “pi”.
The missing capstone of the Great Pyramid was very likely 2 Royal Cubits in height (3.4267 feet = 1.0475 m ) with square base of  3.1428 Royal Cubits (5.4 feet = 1.646 m).
Note:440/280 = 1.5714286   (3.14286 when multiplied by 2 ).
280/440 = 0.636363636363… (0.63  number with recurring decimal)

PS3  Great Seal of America Decoded?

The Eye in The Pyramid. 
On Raymond Mardyks’ website, (now unavailable), he decodes the Great Seal of America, which appears on every dollar bill. 
The Seal shows a 13-step pyramid with the date 1776 in Roman numerals, on it.
Just as the pyramid of Kukulkcan has 91 steps on each of the 4 sides, making 364 in all, plus the top level giving the number 365, the Great Seal pyramid also has an encoded calendrical meaning. Like some Maya pyramids, it has a date on it, but in the Gregorian calendar.  4 sides of 13 levels gives 52, which is the number of weeks in our year.However, 13 and 52 are also the key numbers in the Mayan calendar systems. 
 In the Great Cycle, there are 13 baktuns of 20 katuns each; each katun consists of 20 tuns, so there are 5200 tuns in the Great Cycle. There are also 52 haabs in a Calendar Round.  Some Mayan groups named cycles after end dates rather than beginning dates.  They would also have seen a series of 13 katuns as a significant cycle. 1776 was not only the year that the Declaration of Independence was signed (on the 4th of July), but was also a special year in the Mayan calendar. Just as the last katun in the Great Cycle ends in 2012, the first katun in the cycle of 13 was  ending in 1776. In fact, the katun ended 33 days before the signing.  So 1776 is the bottom level of the pyramid, where the date is actually inscribed – the top of the pyramid is therefore 2012.
Read More:

One Dollar Conspiracy

On the reverse of the american one-dollar bill is the All Seeing Eye within a triangle surrounded by a golden glory. The motto inscribed beneath the pyramid is “Novus Ordo Seclorum” which is Latin for “New Order of the Ages“, and synonymous with the “New World Order“. “Annuit cœptis” is taken from the Latin words annuo (nod, approve) and cœpta (beginnings, undertakings).  “Annuit Cœptis” is translated by the U.S. State Department, The U.S. Mint, and the U.S. Treasury as “He (God) has favored our undertakings.” (brackets in original).

Image © Copyright 2010 Michael Paukner. All Rights Reserved.

How many major races are there in the world?

How many major races are there in the world?

A human race is defined as a group of people with certain common inherited features that distinguish them from other groups of people. All men of whatever race are currently classified by the anthropologist or biologist as belonging to the one species, Homo sapiens.This is another way of saying that the differences between human races are not great, even though they may appear so, i.e. black vs white skin. All races of mankind in the world can interbreed because they have so much in common. All races share 99.99+% of the same genetic materials which means that division of race is largely subjective, and that the original 3-5 races were also probably just subjective descriptions as well.

The Major Divisions of the Human Race

Most anthropologists recognize 3 or 4 basic races of man in existence today. These races can be further subdivided into as many as 30 subgroups.
Ethnographic division into races from Meyers Konversationslexikon of 1885-90 is listing:
  • Caucasian races (Aryans, Hamites, Semites)
  • Mongolian races (northern Mongolian, Chinese and Indo-Chinese, Japanese and Korean, Tibetan, Malayan, Polynesian, Maori, Micronesian, Eskimo, American Indian),
  • Negroid races (African, Hottentots, Melanesians/Papua, “Negrito”, Australian Aborigine, Dravidians, Sinhalese)
Skull: Dolicephalic(Long-Head),High forehead,Little supraobital development.
Face: Mainly Leptoproscopic( Narrow)Sometimes Meso- or even Euryproscopic, Neither Facial nor alveolar prognathism occurs except among some archaic peoples.
Nose:Long,narrow,high in both root and bridge.
Skull: High incidence of Brachycephaly(Short Round Head)
American Indians while Mongoloid are often Dolicephalic.
Foreheads slightly lower than that of the Caucasoid.
No Supraobital development.
Face: Wide and short, projecting cheek bones, Prognathism rare. Shovel shaped incisors common especialy in Asia.
Nose: Mesorine(Low and Broad in both root and bridge.
Skull: usually Dolicephalic, a small minority are Brachycephalic.
Forehead most often high, little supraobital development.
Face: Leproscopic (to a much lesser degree than the Caucasion), Prognathism common in most Negro populations.
Nose: Low & broad in root and bridge with characteristic depression at root.

Another popular division recognizes 4 major races

The world population can be divided into 4 major races, namelywhite/CaucasianMongoloid/AsianNegroid/Black, andAustraloid. This is based on a racial classification made by Carleton S. Coon in 1962. There is no universally accepted classification for “race”, however, and its use has been under fire over the last few decades. The United Nations, in a 1950 statement, opted to “drop the term ‘race’ altogether and speak of “ethnic groups”. In this case, there are more than 5,000 ethnic groups in the world,according to a 1998 study published in the Scientific American.

What is Race?

What is Race? When some people use the “race” they attach a biological meaning, still others use “race” as a socially constructed concept.  It is clear that even though race does not have a biological meaning, it does have a social meaning which has been legally constructed.
Biological Construction
By . . .”biological race,” I mean the view of race espoused by Judge Tucker, and still popular today, that there exist natural, physical divisions among humans that are hereditary, reflected in morphology, and roughly but correctly captured by terms like Black, White, and Asian (or Negroid, Caucasoid, and Mongoloid). Under this view, one’s ancestors and epidermis ineluctably determine membership in a genetically defined racial group. The connection between human physiognomy and racial status is concrete; in Judge Tucker’s words, every individual’s race has been “stampt” by nature. . . .Despite the prevalent belief in biological races, overwhelming evidence proves that race is not biological. Biological races like Negroid and Caucasoid simply do not exist. A newly popular argument among several scholars, is that races are wholly illusory, whether as a biological or social concept. Under this thinking, if there is no natural link between faces and races, then no connection exists.
There are no genetic characteristics possessed by all Blacks but not by non- Blacks; similarly, there is no gene or cluster of genes common to all Whites but not to non-Whites. One’s race is not determined by a single gene or gene cluster, as is, for example, sickle cell anemia. Nor are races marked by important differences in gene frequencies, the rates of appearance of certain gene types. The data compiled by various scientists demonstrates, contrary to popular opinion, that intra-group differences exceed inter-group differences. That is, greater genetic variation exists within the populations typically labeled Black and White than between these populations. This finding refutes the supposition that racial divisions reflect fundamental genetic differences.
Notice this does not mean that individuals are genetically indistinguishable from each other, or even that small population groups cannot be genetically differentiated. Small populations, for example the Xhosa or the Basques, share similar gene frequencies. However, differentiation is a function of separation, usually geographic, and occurs in gradations rather than across fractures.. .. . .   The notion that humankind can be divided along White, Black, and Yellow lines reveals the social rather than the scientific origin of race. The idea that there exist three races, and that these races are “Caucasoid,” “Negroid,” and “Mongoloid,” is rooted in the European imagination of the Middle Ages, which encompassed only Europe, Africa, and the Near East.. . Nevertheless, the history of science has long been the history of failed efforts to justify these social beliefs. Along the way, various minds tried to fashion practical human typologies along the following physical axes: skin color, hair texture, facial angle, jaw size, cranial capacity, brain mass, frontal lobe mass, brain surface fissures and convolutions, and even body lice. As one scholar notes, “[t]he nineteenth century was a period of exhaustive and–as it turned out–futile search for criteria to define and describe race differences.”. . . Attempts to define racial categories by physical attributes ultimately failed. By 1871, some leading intellectuals had recognized that even using the word “race” “was virtually a confession of ignorance or evil intent.” The genetic studies of the last few decades have only added more nails to the coffin of biological race. Evidence shows that those features usually coded to race, for example, stature, skin color, hair texture, and facial structure, do not correlate strongly with genetic variation. . .  The rejection of race in science is now almost complete. In the end, we should embrace historian Barbara Fields’s succinct conclusion with respect to the plausibility of biological races: “Anyone who continues to believe in race as a physical attribute of individuals, despite the now commonplace disclaimers of biologists and geneticists, might as well also believe that Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the tooth fairy are real, and that the earth stands still while the sun moves.”
. . .  Unfortunately, few in this society seem prepared to fully relinquish their subscription to notions of biological race.. . .[including the] Congress and the Supreme Court. Congress’ anachronistic understanding of race is exemplified by a 1988 statute that explains that “the term ‘racial group’ means a set of individuals whose identity as such is distinctive in terms of physical characteristics or biological descent.”  The Supreme Court, although purporting to sever race from biology, also seems incapable of doing so. In Saint Francis College v. Al-Khazraji, the Court determined that an Arab could recover damages for racial discrimination under 42 U.S.C. § 1981. . . Despite a seeming rejection of biological race, Justice White [stated]:  “The Court of Appeals was thus quite right in holding that § 1981, ‘at a minimum,’ reaches discrimination against an individual ‘because he or she is genetically part of an ethnically and physiognomically distinctive subgrouping of homo sapiens.”‘. . . By adopting the lower court’s language of genetics and distinctive subgroupings, Justice White demonstrates the Court’s continued reliance on blood as a metonym for race. . . .In Metrobroadcasting v. FCC,  Justice Scalia again reveals the Court’s understanding of race as a matter of blood. During oral argument, Scalia attacked the argument that granting minorities broadcasting licenses would enhance diversity by blasting “the policy as a matter of ‘blood,’ at one point charging that the policy reduced to a question of ‘blood . . .  blood, not background and environment.”‘
Social Construction
. . .  I define a “race” as a vast group of people loosely bound together by historically contingent, socially significant elements of their morphology and/or ancestry. I argue that race must be understood as a sui generis social phenomenon in which contested systems of meaning serve as the connections between physical features, races, and personal characteristics. In other words, social meanings connect our faces to our souls. Race is neither an essence nor an illusion, but rather an ongoing, contradictory, self-reinforcing process subject to the macro forces of social and political struggle and the micro effects of daily decisions. . . Referents of terms like Black, White, Asian, and Latino are social groups, not genetically distinct branches of humankind.

Posibilities pf Mergers: India & Maldives

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